#ToMeMyOwn – Discovering Our Personal Meaning Of Good Health
Health is a deeply personal thing. Each one of us is made different, as are our bodies, our processes, and our nutritional needs. Each person has their own unique mix of healthy habits that work best for themselves - and...
Real Journeys to Good Health: Shazia’s Story
Shazia Syed is a homemaker from Mumbai, whose typical day is all about taking care of her family and her health. Her secret to fitness lies in finding ways to exercise in her daily household work and making sure that...
Sketchy Labels – How to Fact-Check the Claims of a Food-Based Product
We’re continuing our journey to help you understand how to read and select a nutrition or food product, based on its label! In the previous part of this article, we covered the components and format of a consumable product’s label...
Sketchy Labels: How to Read a Nutrition or Food Product’s Label
When you read the label of a food product or supplement, what do its components mean to you? The ingredients list, nutrition information table, and list of additives are all meant to reflect the product’s true nature and help you,...
How The Foods We Eat Affect Our Mental Health
For anyone who’s even remotely familiar with nutrition’s effects, it should already be quite apparent that what we consume does far more than merely supply us with energy. That said - it’s still fascinating to learn about how the food...
How Sleep Deprivation Affects Our Health
Anyone who has woken up without a proper night’s sleep can attest to the noticeable differences in the way one thinks, feels, and functions. However, what happens to us when we don’t get enough sleep, and its true significance on...
6 Simple Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle, as a concept, has gained immense momentum in India over the last few years. It’s ironic, then, that lifestyle diseases such heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are at their peak as well [1, 2]. Genetics do admittedly play...
How Our Gut Bacteria Affect Our Health
Our body is full of bacteria.  Did that instantly conjure images of disease and illness? If so, you’ll be relieved to know that there’s a lot more to the microorganisms than that. In fact, the bacteria that live in us,...
Inflammation - Definition, Causes, Effects and Ways To Reduce It
You may have heard already that ‘inflammation’ is a significant reason behind the increased risk of developing “lifestyle diseases” - conditions that are believed to be a result of modern lifestyles.  Ever since countries became more industrialised about 4-5 decades...
13 Fundamental Indicators of Good Health and How to Achieve Them
According to WHO, good health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being - and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity [1]. Our body is constantly giving us clues about our health - all we have...
Everything You Need to Know About Acne: Why We Get Acne & How To Treat It
Despite the prevalence of acne, a lot isn't known about how it gets formed and the various reasons behind why we get pimples. Here's everything you need to know.
4 Eating Habits to Avoid
t’s common knowledge that the food we consume affects our weight. But did you know that how we eat our food can make a significant difference to the amount of food we eat, too? Here are four of the most...
5 Nutrition Myths That Need to be Debunked
Whether it is the demonising of a certain food group or the power of “superfoods'' being highly exaggerated, nutritional advice has a way of being dramaticised, taken out of context or even completely misguided. After that, hearing the same statement...
Answering the Most Frequently Asked Question - Do I Need to Supplement?
In an ideal situation, the answer would be "no". Supplements can never replace a healthy diet and should ideally only be used in a strictly ‘supplementary’ manner, to help us get all the nutrients we need to be healthy. What...
Why We Get Wrinkles And How We Can Protect Our Skin From Ageing
How to fight signs of ageing becomes a fairly common question once we’re in our late 20s to early 30s - and billion-dollar industries have tried to answer it, with products ranging from anti-aging creams to injectables like botox and...
What Happens When You’re Dehydrated And How to Avoid it
You’ve probably heard that 60% of our body is made up of water – but what this really means is that it actually plays a key role in maintaining multiple functions [1]. Even a mild level of dehydration, if constant,...
Antinutrients - Definition, Function and Methods of Elimination
We know that the nutrients found in plant foods can do wonders for our health in multiple ways. However, some plants have compounds that make it hard for our body to digest these nutrients. These compounds are called ‘antinutrients’. Read...
Pigmentation of Skin: Causes And Ways To Reduce Or Avoid It
We all know that sun exposure tans our skin, but we may not be aware of why this happens or how we sometimes even get dark spots or pigmentation. It’s because some of our skin cells release a reddish-brown pigment...
Nutrition Checklist - How an Everyday Indian can Improve Their Nutrition
For anyone who is wondering how to start eating healthier, or wants a basic understanding of their daily nutritional requirements – it may be surprising to hear that the general eating habits in India aren’t too far from what clinical...
Omega-3 Fats - What to Look for While Choosing a Supplement
Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important to our well-being. They play many roles in our body, including regulating inflammation, immunity, heart health, and brain function. Their varied set of health benefits affect every age group – right from even before...
Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips to Keep You a Little Cooler This Summer
Finding ways to stay cool gets easier when you have scientifically proven tips to beat the heat! Here are some simple nutrition and lifestyle habits that can keep us a little cooler this summer. #1: Eat spicy food Spicy foods...