How to Avoid/Relieve A Hangover
The medical term (of Norwegian origin) for a hangover is ‘veisalgia’, which, fittingly, means “uneasiness following debauchery” and “pain”. The pounding headache and restlessness of a hangover – the price that’s paid for drinking copious amounts of alcohol – can...
Do Face Exercises Actually Work?
Make a fish face and suck your cheeks in, to get rid of the double chin; smile and force your eyes open to exercise your muscles – sounds familiar? With social media swamped with ideas to address the adult urge...
Walk the Talk: Benefits of Walking for All Age Groups
The ideal mindset to live life is usually summarized in a popular quote that reads - There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. While this refers to the grind and hard work without which no...
Does weight training affect our joint health over time?
Weight training offers a myriad of health benefits - but there are concerns regarding the long-term effects of weight training on joint health. How valid are these concerns? We’ve taken it upon ourselves to look into the scientific findings around...
Can Free Radical Damage Help us Build Muscle?
Free-radicals are often made to be practically villainous when it comes to our health - and understandably so, with all the negative effects they have on our body over time. But have you ever considered the positive effects of free...
Foods to Boost Your Mental Health in Your Mid-20s
Despite the decidedly more comfortable lifestyles of young adults today (compared to previous generations) - with practically all basic needs being accessible at their fingertips - the digital age is also replete with mental health issues. About 7.3% of the...
Is Gluten Bad for Everyone? Let’s Take a Look at the Evidence
All of us are familiar with the term gluten but how many of us actually know what it is? From being an unknown part of Indian staple food to becoming a diet trend, gluten has become quite infamous in the...
PMS – Causes Of Premenstrual Syndrome And Tips For Relief!
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) has many symptoms - and each of these comes with its own potential causes! Although this makes it hard to pinpoint a singular reason behind why women get PMS in the first place, the good news is...
Why do Women Get Periods Every Month? Evolution has the answer!
"Why do women get periods?" - a question every woman asks herself when it's time for the monthly menstrual period. There have been several theories around this, ranging from ‘cleaning our system every month’ to ‘getting rid of the pathogens...
Does Our Metabolism Really Slow Down After We Hit 30?
There’s a common perception surrounding our metabolism and how it’s affected by age - specifically that our metabolism tends to slow down as we hit our 30s. Today, we’re about to explore how scientifically accurate this is, with the help...
How to Identify Evidence-Based and Reliable Information
The internet has made access to information so convenient that we can literally have all of the world’s knowledge at our fingertips.  Whenever we want to know more about something new or unknown, the first thing we do is look...
Sketchy Labels – How to Fact-Check the Claims of a Food-Based Product
We’re continuing our journey to help you understand how to read and select a nutrition or food product, based on its label! In the previous part of this article, we covered the components and format of a consumable product’s label...
Sketchy Labels: How to Read a Nutrition or Food Product’s Label
When you read the label of a food product or supplement, what do its components mean to you? The ingredients list, nutrition information table, and list of additives are all meant to reflect the product’s true nature and help you,...
How The Foods We Eat Affect Our Mental Health
For anyone who’s even remotely familiar with nutrition’s effects, it should already be quite apparent that what we consume does far more than merely supply us with energy. That said - it’s still fascinating to learn about how the food...
Inflammation - Definition, Causes, Effects and Ways To Reduce It
You may have heard already that ‘inflammation’ is a significant reason behind the increased risk of developing “lifestyle diseases” - conditions that are believed to be a result of modern lifestyles.  Ever since countries became more industrialised about 4-5 decades...
Everything You Need to Know About Acne: Why We Get Acne & How To Treat It
Despite the prevalence of acne, a lot isn't known about how it gets formed and the various reasons behind why we get pimples. Here's everything you need to know.
Answering the Most Frequently Asked Question - Do I Need to Supplement?
In an ideal situation, the answer would be "no". Supplements can never replace a healthy diet and should ideally only be used in a strictly ‘supplementary’ manner, to help us get all the nutrients we need to be healthy. What...
What Happens When You’re Dehydrated And How to Avoid it
You’ve probably heard that 60% of our body is made up of water – but what this really means is that it actually plays a key role in maintaining multiple functions [1]. Even a mild level of dehydration, if constant,...
Pigmentation of Skin: Causes And Ways To Reduce Or Avoid It
We all know that sun exposure tans our skin, but we may not be aware of why this happens or how we sometimes even get dark spots or pigmentation. It’s because some of our skin cells release a reddish-brown pigment...
Omega-3 Fats - What to Look for While Choosing a Supplement
Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important to our well-being. They play many roles in our body, including regulating inflammation, immunity, heart health, and brain function. Their varied set of health benefits affect every age group – right from even before...
The Deep-Dive Series: How We Digest Food
We know that food gives us the energy and building blocks we need to grow, heal and thrive. To do so, it needs to be broken down into small parts that can be absorbed. This process, i.e., digestion, involves a...