9 Nutritious Foods for Vegans to Add to Their Diet
According to a November 2021 survey, more than 47% of Indian participants had switched to plant-based food products and diets due to their concerns regarding animal welfare in food production (1). While a 2021 research shows 39% of Indians identify...
Sources of Collagen - Collagen Rich Foods for Healthy Skin, Hair, Joints and Bones
Our health and wellbeing is inextricably tied to the food we eat. In addition to regular exercise, our diet is also one of the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle. It plays a great role in the appearance and youthfulness...
The Healthiest Hot Beverages For This Monsoon
A hot beverage and your favourite blanket can feel practically therapeutic when you’re tired, cold or feeling unwell. When done right, hot beverages can do far more for our health than we realise. Let’s have a look at some of...
6 Delicious Snacks That are Also Healthy! 
One of the best parts about leading a healthy lifestyle is being able to satisfy our snack cravings without feeling guilty! Some of the most delicious snacks are also incredibly healthy - and by that, we mean that they’re full...
India's Top 10 Nutrient-Dense Foods
Are some foods more nutritious than others? If so, what foods should we, in India, be eating? The answer depends on the nutrients you're looking for. When you consider the nutritional status of India’s population, it’s quite clear that certain nutrients...
The Benefits of Eating Seasonal Food and What’s in Season Right Now
All of us, on some level, have a strong association with every season - the weather, smells, general atmosphere and, notably, the foods. This article explores the seasonal foods that we can expect from the months of mid-May to mid-July....
4 Eating Habits to Avoid
t’s common knowledge that the food we consume affects our weight. But did you know that how we eat our food can make a significant difference to the amount of food we eat, too? Here are four of the most...
Antinutrients - Definition, Function and Methods of Elimination
We know that the nutrients found in plant foods can do wonders for our health in multiple ways. However, some plants have compounds that make it hard for our body to digest these nutrients. These compounds are called ‘antinutrients’. Read...
Nutrition Checklist - How an Everyday Indian can Improve Their Nutrition
For anyone who is wondering how to start eating healthier, or wants a basic understanding of their daily nutritional requirements – it may be surprising to hear that the general eating habits in India aren’t too far from what clinical...
Perfect Plate - 3 Easy Steps To Meal Planning
Design your perfect plate Over the past few weeks, we have broken down the components of healthy eating using the diets of the healthiest, longest living individuals as a benchmark. The common factor in the diets of these long-lived individuals...
Food for a Healthy Gut
Probiotics” are the bacteria (and some other microorganisms) that benefit our health, and also come in the form of various foods. “Prebiotics” are the foods that help these bacteria flourish – and, it’s important that they do, seeing everything that...
How to Recognize The Fats in Our Foods
Distinguishing the goods fats from the bad fats, in the food we eat, gets easier when you have a basic understanding of their various types. In order to do this, it’s important to know what the ‘saturation of a fat’...
Eat The Rainbow: Carotenoids
We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for our health because they have vitamins, minerals, and fibre. But have you heard of their ‘phytonutrients’? That’s a group of compounds, which give plant-based foods their colour, flavour and smell.1...
Sugar And Our Body
Back in 1822, an average American would take five days to eat the amount of added sugar that we get in just one can of soda. Today, that much sugar is consumed within seven hours.1 India is likely to have...
Reading Between The Aisles: Grains
Right from your rotis and parathas to your upmas and dosas, grains are an integral part of any Indian’s diet – and let’s not forget all the breads, sandwiches and pizzas we love eating as well! Shouldn’t we be paying...
The Benefits of Dietary Fibre on Your Overall Health
Dietary Fibre has only recently been recognized as a critical component of food. Research in the past few decades has demonstrated the importance of adequate fibre consumption, clearly showing its impact on the prevention of various diseases. Fibre is broadly...