PMS – Causes Of Premenstrual Syndrome And Tips For Relief!
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) has many symptoms - and each of these comes with its own potential causes! Although this makes it hard to pinpoint a singular reason behind why women get PMS in the first place, the good news is...
Why do Women Get Periods Every Month? Evolution has the answer!
"Why do women get periods?" - a question every woman asks herself when it's time for the monthly menstrual period. There have been several theories around this, ranging from ‘cleaning our system every month’ to ‘getting rid of the pathogens...
The Syndrome that is PCOS
You’ve probably already heard of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (or PCOS). It has a surprisingly high level of incidence, affecting close to 25% of Indian women between the ages of 18 and 44. PCOS is classified as a ‘syndrome’ because it’s...